Applying to the Technical Communication Certificate

If you are an undergraduate and would like to enroll in the Technical Communication Certificate, you may download the TCC Application form (PDF) or pick one up from 3126 Engineering Centers Building. Please include a current transcript or DARS report with your application form. (While we occasionally admit special students, graduate students cannot enroll in the TCC.)

Prerequisites for Admission to the TCC Program

  • A grade of at least B in Communication A or equivalent course (EPD 155, Basic Communication, for engineering students) or AP English credits (score of 4/5).
  • Four courses (12-credit minimum) in science and/or engineering, including at least one intermediate-level (minimum 200-level) course.
  • Three courses (9-credit minimum) in humanities, social sciences, and/or foreign language.
  • Overall GPA of at least 2.5.

We accept TCC applications throughout the semester, though we encourage students to submit applications as early as possible so they have ample time to plan their coursework. The TCC will notify all new admissions via letter.

Application Form (PDF)

Certificate Requirements

TCC Communication Electives

Program Planning Document

TCC Internship